Saturday, January 03, 2009

diaper rash ramblings

i get easily frustrated.


i made chicken and rice soup tonight. i had all of the ingredients right in my kitchen - didn't even have to go to the store. it's funny, you think there's no food in the house and then you have six servings of homemade chicken and rice soup.

lee got a call tonight from a former coworker of mine about a possible job lead.

will has a nasty diaper rash. well, it was really nasty, but now is on the path to healing. i was looking at my journal/calendar that i keep for him and it all started after he had eaten carrots for a few days. i started him on peas - that seemed to go well. he liked them. he didn't like carrots as much. i started sweet potatoes after carrots and followed with squash and green beans. we're on our fourth day of green beans. i think he eats the carrots and green beans just because they're food and he likes to eat. he seems to adore sweet potatoes and squash. and peas are okay. but, the rash is stubborn. at first i loaded on the desitin - then it got worse so, i thought it was just dry, chapped skin from winter time and started putting lotion on him down there. then it would get better and flair up again. and then it got worse, so i've started changing him a little more often, trying A&D ointment which smells like old people and he's significantly better, but not totally normal yet. okay, i'm done talking about a diaper rash. i just feel really bad for him, although he doesn't seem to mind too bad you know that can't feel good.

i hope will and i can make it to church in the morning. i'm keeping him out of the nursery until flu season is over - speaking of, i need to look that up. going to bed now.

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