Friday, February 24, 2012

loving today's letters

discovered a new blog that i love

today's letters

it reminds me of so many things i love.

and inspired me to write notes to my husband again - like this one!

dear sweet beard (a.k.a. so many other names!),

i know you will read this.

you are my favorite. you are calm, but crazy. you help me with everything. you eat leftovers. you listen. we make cute babies. let's go to the mountains again soon and go on a hike and find a river and listen to some live music and smell dirt and wet leaves.



Saturday, February 18, 2012

will "reads" spot bakes a cake

this is W at 3 1/2 years old.

this age is just too cute.

Friday, February 17, 2012

a song for a book

presence - kathryn scott

just finished reading the shack. around the same time someone shared this song with me - presence. when i really stop and think how big and beautiful, simple and complex, sweet and powerful and personal God is, i am overwhelmed with something that feels like a mix of sunshine, excitement and peace.

you are just so beautiful - i love your presence, God.