Wednesday, May 18, 2005

the fate of "A" students

okay - gretchen relayed this quote to me today. sorry if i misquote - i'm notorious for that.

"'A' students end up teaching. And B students end up working for C students."

there is so much truth to that! haha - i thought that was great. except, to be honest, it doesn't really make me look all that good. i'm not a teacher right now - but i've considered doing the art teacher for little kids thing. boy, i'm sure i could really bring in the dough doing that.

this life is not all about the dough - even though i like dough. (snort snort)

Monday, May 16, 2005

you're a holiday

i just realized that i've been misunderstanding - or not hearing correctly - one of my favorite lines in a song. haha - don't you hate it when that happens?

"there's something about you - that makes me fly
you're a holiday - just the kind i like"

okay, that's my version. but, this is what it's actually saying:

"there's something about you - that makes me fly
you're a heart attack - just the kind i like"

i think i like my version better

Sunday, May 15, 2005

my first real mural job!!! Posted by Hello

g-ville cont'd Posted by Hello

g'ville Posted by Hello

paul takes a pic of greenville from the coolest lookout point in downtown - the top floor of the parking garage. Posted by Hello

Saturday, May 07, 2005

gas station romance

today, a man gave me a red rose at a gas station.

hahahaha - its true. ya know - i always knew i would find love at a gas station.

okay - so they were giving every female a rose because it was a grand opening, but still - it was nice.

a perfect day for a picnic - and for getting lost in the woods Posted by Hello

Friday, May 06, 2005

separated shoes

i stopped back by the goodwill store on wednesday with the lonely shoe. the ladies there looked very sad when they saw it after i had explained the situation. they said the other shoe had been thrown out yesterday. that's crazy! people just throw away perfectly good shoes even if they don't have a pair. these really were good shoes - i just never wore them because they had such a high heel and i'm clumsy.
wouldn't it be cool to work at the goodwill donation place though? think of all of the cool stuff you could rescue. you could have collections of all kinds of stuff. yeah i know - i'm an american - what can i say.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

so there it is

welcome to the world of interior design - the profession with the most opportunity to make mistakes! oh, and also the profession with the most opportunity for people to royally screw you over. (okay- maybe doctors have it worse...) where everything is your fault. where you have to communicate with ten different people and make all ten of those people happy simultaneously. where you are expected to be an expert in every aspect of design, materials, construction, installation, and pricing of all of the previous items. oh, and not to mention psychology.

okay - so maybe i'm going a little overboard. but then again, maybe i'm not. am i in the wrong profession or in the wrong field? or is this the real world and i'm still too young to get it? i hope its the former, because i can't take much more of my cup being half empty. it's just not me. or at least i don't want it to be me.

i try not to blog about my job too much - but tonight, this just had to be released into the wonderful world of the blogosphere. so there it is. and now i feel better.

cuz ya know, a lot of people in this world didn't have anthing to eat tonight. and people are dying in a war right now. and then you have people who are stressing out about not getting there cabinets in on time - something's really wrong here.

tuesday ramblings

i am very excited because i found out last night that WE is playing felicity reruns again on weeknights. the episode is usually over by the time i get home, but the thought still excites me!

i dropped off some clothes at goodwill tonight. i realized when i got home that one shoe had fallen out of the bag. so i'm gonna go back by there tomorrow with the lonely shoe. i hope that it is reconnected with it's pair.

is j.d. salinger really still living? gosh, imagine the literary treasures that will hopefully be released to the public when he passes. hmmm - that sounded really morbid. but every now and then i think about that holden caulfield and i just want to write him a long letter. then i realize he's fiction.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

more than anything else

He tells us...

"i know what i'm doing. i have it all planned out - plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.
when you call on me, when you come and pray to me, i'll listen.
when you come looking for me, you'll find me.
yes, when you get serious about finding me and want it more than anything else, i'll make sure you won't be disappointed."

jeremiah 29:11-14

the future that i hope for...

can i climb up in your lap

Another rainy day
I can't recall having sunshine on my face
and all I feel is pain
and all I wanna do is walk out of this place,
but when I am stuck and I can't move
and I don't know what I should do
and I wonder if I'll ever make it through...
I gotta keep singing
I gotta keep praising your name
you're the one that's keeping my heart beating
I gotta keep singing
I gotta keep praising your name
it's the only way that I'll find healing..........
can i climb up in your lap
i don't wanna leave
Jesus sing over me


"The LORD your God is with you,
he is mighty to save.
He will take great delight in you,
he will quiet you with his love,
he will rejoice over you with singing."
Zephaniah 3:17