Saturday, September 24, 2011

funny faces

i have to blink, mommy.

my kids rarely wear pants in the warm months when we are at the house. yes, i guess i am lazy in this way. i am trying to teach will how to put on his pants by himself. it takes a lot of patience on my part.

phoebe has always loved sticking her tongue out. now she has started sticking it out sideways. will is doing something funny with his tongue in this pic as well - he likes to act like phoebe sometimes.

underbite cuteness

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Friday, September 09, 2011

becoming mobile

this is a glimpse into my everyday world. complete with little boy only in underwear squealing at the end of the video so be sure to turn your volume down. this video was taken a few weeks ago. she scoots around much quicker now and can go from her belly to sitting on her bottom.

Thursday, September 08, 2011

baby girl smile


phoebe is a joy. she is such a girly thing. with dainty little fingers and toes. narrow feet and a big bottom. a tiny thing, but chunky.

her smile is the best.