Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Root Beer the dog and Eve had a purse

today in the van

phoebe's suggestion for a dog name:  Root Beer. 
it is her favorite dum dum flavor.
she's never had a real root beer drink.  i guess she would like it.  i personally think root beer tastes like Pepto-Bismol.  no thank you.
but, i love Root Beer as a name for a dog.  Perfect.

tonight at the dinner table

"will, please wipe your chin.  you have spaghetti sauce all over it.  look at your sisters.  they do not have any sauce on their chins."  (i'm such a wonderful mother...)

"well, eve didn't have sauce on her chin, and adam did."  will's response (or something like that).

"eve had a purse,"  cora.  "i saw it in a picture."

"eve did not have a purse.  she had a garden."  phoebe

"she owned a garden with adam" will

"she did have a purse!"  cora, very adamently.  "it was made of leaves!"

me trying to calm her down.  "what did she carry in her purse?"

phoebe "apples."