Sunday, April 10, 2005

sermon notes - bad coffee

"take a good, hard look at your life.
think it over.
you have spent a lot of money,
but you haven't much to show for it.
you keep filling your plates,
but you never get filled up.
you keep drinking and drinking and drinking,
but you're always thirsty.
you put on layer after layer of clothes,
but you can't get warm.
and the people who work for you,
what are they getting out of it?
not much-
a leaky, rusted-out bucket, that's what.

that's why the God-of-the-Angel-Armies said:

take a good, hard look at your life.
think it over."

well, i've thought it over, haggai, - at least a little bit - and, yes, i see that i'm a spoiled american. what's worse is i see that i've become a lazy christian. like coffee that's room temperature. like a laodicean. "i know you inside out, and find little to my liking. you're not cold, you're not hot - far better to be either cold or hot! you're stale. you're stagnant. you make me want to vomit."rev.3:15-16
like an ephesian - walking away from my first love. rev.2:3-5

gotta get back...

ya know, jesus was crazy - the good kind of crazy though. he put mud in a blind man's eyes so that he could see. john 9. hah! great! he washed his friends dirty, gross feet. he loved people who beat him to a pulp.

who am i that you would recognize my name, lord.


  1. "ain't one soul in the whole world knows my name, ain't one soul in the whole world knows my name...but it's written up in the sky and I'll see it by and by"

  2. Gillian Welch :O)

  3. most scripture references taken from "the message" by eugene h. peterson.
