Wednesday, June 13, 2012

a year without cable tv

this month i celebrate 6 years of marriage with the hubs!

i'm also celebrating 1 year of no cable tv and not network tv (is that what you call it?)  our antennae picks up static and a spanish channel and that's it.  so i use vhs and dvds for the 3 year old's tv time.  the one year old has just started having a small interest in the tv.  the hubs and i use hulu on occasion and redbox.  and there's always youtube.

i do admit, i missed my cable tv after not having it for a few months.  when you're a stay at home mom, the tv can be your "friend", your adult conversation.  i missed my today show, oprah, bravo, and tlc shows.  and my three year old misses curious george and super why.  but honestly, my three year old was getting to the point where he could understand some of what they were talking about (on my shows) and that was not always good.  and the commercials were getting in sane.  if you can afford dvr, cable tv is a nice thing to have.  if you cannot afford dvr, you're going to watch 20 minutes of a show and 10 minutes of commercials.  no thank you.

time is precious when living with a 3 year old and a baby.  so this works for us.  i'm thankful my husband is okay with it.  he misses his college football in the fall, but i think that's about it.  he keeps up with the news through the internet.

i used to be a tv addict growing up and when i was in college.  one day, when i was in college, i heard someone say they didn't have a tv and they didn't know how they would even have time to watch it if they had one.  i remember thinking, what???

now, i can relate.  if i had a tv, i don't know how i would get anything else done.  and i would miss out on time with my kids too.  i already feel like i don't get to spend enough time with them, and i'm a stay at home mom.  crazy!

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