Monday, October 03, 2011

will's sayings at three years old

"mommy, hold me with standing up!" (mommy, hold me while standing up!) - this basically means, "i'm jealous of baby sister. give me the attention you give to her."

"let's go to chaganooga!" (let's go to chattanooga!) - we stopped in chattanooga a few weeks ago on our way to see my brother's baby. coolidge park is a lot of fun. they have a great carousel, park, walking bridge over the tennessee river, and a riverboat that is a hotel that you can walk on. he still talks about the gang plank.

those people are loving each other - this is what will says whenever he sees two people on a motorcycle.

let's go to puglix - publix

"that's God's carwash" - he says this when it rains

"that's a cemement truck"

"it's upside side down"

"i'm a train! i'm a long long train. look at all my passenger cars." - yeah, this one disturbs me a little bit. he follows this with making very accurate train sound effects, walking and running pretending to be a train.

and other things about will:

the frustrating things -

the boy is strong willed! he always has a better idea. he's either going 0 miles per hour or 100. he is famous for parking lot tantrums because he often times will not hold my hand or he runs away from me. therefore he gets dragged to the car.

his main job right now is to get whatever phoebe has or is headed towards or is looking at - and put it on a table or chair out of her reach. he had good intentions at first, but now it has turned ugly.

the cool things -

he is very accepting of people
he is not scared of the dark
he is not scared of mascots - big fuzzy creatures (like i was at three years old)
he can go 12 hours without peeing

also, he really struggles getting dressed himself. we are working on it.
he cannot blow his nose!
he is a little scared of the carwash.
he will not take a nap anymore unless he is sick - he gets 11 hours at night.

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