Wednesday, October 05, 2011

the seventh month

september - the seventh month - it was a busy one with lots of changes for miss phoebe.

in her seventh month of life,

phoebe started crawling,

got her first tooth,

got her first ear infection,

started pulling up and standing.

and her hair is getting much longer!

i'm trying to get her to take just two long naps a day, but most days she insists that she still needs two naps and a small third nap.

she is 8 months old today. she is nearing 17 lbs.

she likes to get in her 24 oz of formula a day - sometimes a little less. and she will eat solids three meals a day - 2-3 Tablespoons or ounces at a time. i was trying to bump up her solids and decrease her milk but the doc said to keep her near 24 oz milk a day.

now on to month 8...

1 comment:

  1. Lee Cox7:00 AM

    I like that 2nd pic taken by Will.
