Wednesday, June 13, 2007

i pledge allegiance

right before i woke up this morning i had a dream - it was like i was one of the actresses in a horror movie and we would keep repeating this one scene and it would change slightly every time, except when you're an actress you know the story at least and in this case, i had no idea.

anyway, the dream i had before that one was this: i was in a school classroom - probably elementary. we were saying the pledge of allegiance. the words of the pledge were written and i think they were up on the wall from an overhead projector. we got to the line "under God, indivisible" and the text wasn't there - it was as if someone had just come and erased that line because you could tell something used to be there, but wasn't anymore. i said it anyway. i was the only one. after i said it i couldn't remember the rest of the pledge to continue even though i guess it was written on the overhead. but, it was kind of a blur because i was taken outside of the classroom and i remember i was in a lot of trouble because i had said "under God, indivisible"

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