Thursday, February 02, 2006

a mini update

i think back on the past 9 months of my life and can't believe it. so many ups and a few big downs. so many changes. i'm going to learn to stop saying what next. maybe

i started working again this week. i had almost forgotten what that really felt like. not that i've been slacking totally for the past few months - wedding planning is not a piece of cake (and i have done "some" subbing and a good bit of artwork)- but it is a lot different when you have a boss that is holding you accountable. no, it's just different when you have to be at work at 7:00 in the morning! i didn't even know my brain would work that early in the morning - HAH! but the job is interesting and definitely keeps my mind from dwelling on things too much. an idle mind is truly a dangerous thing. so now i find myself in the kitchen design world - again. how did this happen? i do not know for sure. but it did, and even though i am still getting over my first kitchen design job trauma, i can't help but be very grateful for the job and hopeful that this one will be a lot different.


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