Thursday, May 06, 2010

will at 22 months

it's really weird having a cold in may.

will is 22 months old. he attempts to say just about everything.

  • ih ikel - tricyle
  • biaper - diaper
  • mama's bo beel, sometimes it's bo meal - mama's oatmeal
  • angles - triangles, sandals, candles (sometimes he sees sandals and tries to blow them out as if they were candles) he says this word with lots of slobber at the end like sean connery
  • bapple ush - apple juice
  • ine bapple - pineapple
  • mama heepy - mama's sleepy
  • mama ick - mama's sick (yeah, haven't been feeling well this week)
  • ew ash - ew trash (one of my favorites!)
  • asses on - glasses on (hahaha)
he still says that the car horn says "bee beet" - i love that! and also that he calls a boot a "boop".

he also knows several shapes and colors. for awhile he liked to call everything purple and if anything was orange he pretended to eat it.

he picks things off the floor and shows me and says, "eat?" most of the time i say no - haha. i like that he asks me.

he loves to sit in my lap with a book and read. sometimes i will stop reading because i'm daydreaming or just tired of reading and he waits a few seconds and then turns around and looks up at me like, "aren't you gonna read?". it's so cute because he doesn't say anything, he just gives me that look.


  1. Laura, Friday morning we had pineapple at breakfast and Hannah Jo asked for more. She called it ine papple. Nathan and I were just reading your post and thought it was funny that she and Will say it so much alike! Too cute!!

  2. Such a cutie patootie!! Can you believe that Harrison was born with David was 22 months? It feels like just yesterday. I can't believe it's been almost a year. When are you coming to visit again!?!
