Thursday, November 05, 2009

God knows we're broke

After a year of tight finances and a summer of living a little loosely, I started looking at our budget a little more seriously. Okay, I started looking at it, instead of just entering receipts. And I was reminded that we are no longer a double income family.
So, I knew God wanted us to manage our money better. I started cooking more and looking for things to do that didn't cost much, because where can we be tempted to blow the most money? Food and Entertainment

So, our first date in September - we took a walk on the Suwanee Greenway - free! church friends babysat - free!

We had a Sunday School fellowship at Stone Mountain and saw the lasershow - free, because we were in a church van. a friend babysat for free.

i couldn't believe it - i didn't even ask for these tickets, but ben was able to get them for me for free. lee and went to this concert. got to see jars! and third day of course. free! grandma babysat - free.

i've really been wanting to buy an entertainment center and some more storage furniture because the clutter is getting to me. in october, we received the dresser from family and the bookshelf from a neighbor who was going to get rid of it. free!

in september we took advantage of museum day and went to the high - had to pay for parking, but museum was ----free!

God knows we still want to have some fun and don't have a lot of money. He knows I want a neat looking house (well, neater - i do have a toddler). He cares about my sanity. He cares about my marriage. For the past two months i have seen God in these details and look forward to what's to come.

i almost forgot - one of lee's coworkers gave him two tickets to the georgia tech/v tech homecoming football game. which was one of the best games in georgia tech history! and lee got to go with a friend. for - you guessed it - for free!

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