Monday, September 28, 2009

14 month update

i'm in the separation anxiety phase with will. just really started about a week or two ago. he's always been so independent and busy, so i was surprised the first time it happened. i always think, not my child - yeah right! i started a new Bible study at a different church and that either triggered it or really it was inevitable. very upsetting for me, but as with everything - this too shall pass.

there's been another change too. he has dropped his morning nap. the first few days, i had to adjust more than he did. it's really wonderful now though because this routine allows so much more freedom. plus he goes to bed a little earlier and gets up a little later!

a few weeks ago, he began singing. this is the sweetest thing ever.

about the same time, he developed a strong attraction to his blankey (really, he has three - they're all the thermal kind with a little embroidered picture on them - and of course he loves the tag).

he doesn't say any words yet, except ma ma and da da. he also says zzzzz for bee. and he says na na and tuh tuh sometimes. oh and of course the car sound (loose spitting of lips - what do you call that?) for car, tractor, truck, bus. and he does a squeal for train. anything with wheels is his favorite.

today i flushed the toilet and he bounced up and down dancing to the "music". then when it stopped flushing he clapped (you always clap after a song) and then he did the sign for all done by waving both his hands. i laughed so hard.

he also loves to wrestle. if you are on the floor he will most likely run at you and bury his head into you.

he loves to be outside. one of his favorite things to do is push his big stroller around and point to the sky when he hears an airplane.

it's hard for us to listen to any music now, unless he's in his high chair because he knows the volume button and likes to turn it all the way up and then run away. this is pretty funny to watch.

doesn't he sound the cutest? even though he can frustrate me sometimes (unrolling the toilet paper, trying to open the oven door, playing in the trashcan, etc.), he is a wonderful little boy - wait, he's still a baby for a little longer.


  1. Your stories are great Laura, Will sounds like such a fun little guy!

  2. I loved reading that. I wish I could know him more. PS They make these cool oven latches. I use them, because, even though I teach him not to open it, I don't want him to learn by burning himself.
