Friday, March 20, 2009

when i was seven weeks pregnant they did an ultrasound - will was the size of a grain of rice and we could see his heart beating on the computer screen.

i don't know what you believe, but i think everyone should at least know about the following so that you can act if you feel led -

there is the potential for a new bill to pass that would require doctors to perform abortions even if that goes against their religious beliefs. of course this would affect nurses involved in the procedures and pharmacists who would be required to give morning after pills. my brother is an OB and my dad is a hospital pharmacist so this is hitting close to home.
right now those in the medical profession are protected from this because of the Conscience Clause.

"The Conscience Clause was implemented by former President George W. Bush to give physicians and nurses the choice to act according to their conscience — to not participate in abortion procedures if it conflicts with their personal convictions."

this is from an email from my dad -

"If you see fit to add your name to a petition against this, please call 1-877-989-2255. You will talk to a real person at the ACLJ (American Center for Law and Justice). Just tell them that you would like to add your name to the petition that is concerning the conscious clause and that you are against what the president is trying to accomplish. They will ask you a few questions and probably ask for some money but contributing is not a requirement. The open period for public comment is 30 days and that time ends in about a week. So, if you are going to do anything, do it quickly.

Also, I have not looked into this, but there is a website called for ages 15-30 to speak out against this also. So, if you qualify and feel led, you might want to express yourself on this website.

All of the above info is being gathered by the ACLJ, which has offices in Washington and Europe, and it is a bonafide link for any of us to support the sanctity of life among other issues. You can research the ACLJ at"

President Obama - where are you leading us?

Food for thought - I once heard someone say that if God condones the immoral behavior of the USA then He will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.

I don't think God apologizes for anything.

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