above you will see will at the train table/city at discovery center in murfreesboro, TN. this was only 6 dollars to get in and had so many cool things for will to experience. he loved the antique fire truck especially and the little motorized train room... kept him busy for over 2 hours - we had to leave because it was lunchtime. this place was awesome and aunt laura got to come too!
chattanooga carousel
first time riding on a carousel. this costs one dollar per person (free for little ones). it is the coolest carousel i've ever seen. all of the animals were handmade by an artist in TN i believe. will LOVED it.
"horsie goes round round round, raff dose round round round"
fountains in chattanooga
these animal statues randomly shoot water from their mouths or so lee says. this lion got me, but it was 99 degrees so i didn't mind.
so as you can see we have had a lot of fun. it was an added bonus to see family too!
but, just to keep it real, we have had 3 or 4 major tantrums. i have to consider we are staying in a hotel, he was off his routine for the first day, and he is definitely 2!
note to self - next time traveling and staying in a hotel, bring napkins, camping chair, microwaveable plates, and dishwashing detergent.
He looks like David on that giraffe. I bet he had lots of fun, but I also know how stressful travel with children is. Miss you!
ReplyDeleteI don't travel w/out spray n wash ~ that's one of my "must haves". Saved many outfits by having this in my toiletry bag. Don't loose heart with the tantrums ~ if you enjoy traveling, the best thing you can do is travel and make it such a part of his life that he learns to enjoy it. Looks like you guys had a great time. :-)