Wednesday, January 21, 2009

i'll give you something to worry about

upon driving back from a wonderful celebratory lunch date with my hubby on his birthday, i express my concern for our son.
"i'm worried about will - i hope he's doing okay." he woke up and had to eat in the middle of the night last night which is rare now, and he woke up much earlier this morning than normal.
we get on the exit ramp from I85 to get onto 285.
"i know i need to stop worrying because it's not helping anything. i'm really trying to work on it."
we're on spaghetti junction and lee speeds up and swerves a little on that ramp that curves real sharp. this kind of freaks me out.
lee says joking, "if you don't stop worrying, i'll give you something to worry about!"
i crack up and we laugh and in a weird way this makes me feel better.
we get home and will has actually taken a full nap, so therefore he has been an angel the whole time. and again, worrying has accomplished nothing.
*i had to edit this post, because i was making lee look a lot more cruel than he is. just wanted to make that clear!


  1. I totally would have punched him, but I'm glad it made you feel better.

  2. haha - he really was trying to make me feel better. in his defense the story was a little over dramatized.
