Saturday, April 02, 2005

my dad is in the process of replacing all of our windows in the house. he took my old bathroom window out yesterday and since then there's been this sheet of plywood there in place of the window. its been so windy lately - i just know its gonna be blown out at some point. probably right as i'm getting out of the shower. lovely.

my mom just had surgery on her sinuses. so she's walking around or sitting around i should say - like a zombie. i made her watch the village last night - that was entertaining. she thought it was very slow. but she is not one to really sit down and watch a movie anyway. the first time you really get a good glimpse of "those of whom we do not speak of" she very dryly said, "and who is that?" LOL. mom, it really is a GREAT movie! "and yes, i will dance with you on our wedding day" (or something like that). i mean, does it get any better than that? no

i went to a bridal shower today for my cousin. she's 22. she actually got married over a year ago i think. she and her husband are moving to key west in june. kinda sad - cuz i actually enjoy being around her and her husband at family things. they made them more bearable. gosh that sounded bad, huh? its just that i don't really see that side of my family enough to really know that much about them. sad

i really want to go to new york. i want to live in an apartment like meg ryan in you've got mail.

i wish i really knew what i wanted.

well, for right now i better get ready to SPRING forward.


  1. ah. those nice newyork apartments. i used to say "I want to live in Atlanta in one of those cool apartments" and then realized just what "higher cost of living" meant. And then found out just how much higher it is in New York. Start savin them pennies! But I'll go with you if you go!

  2. that would be too radical for words. tell ya what - as long as i don't get smitten with a local boy, then in a year - i'm outta here. but heck, if he's worth it, he'll come along too.
