Sunday, February 27, 2005

LOL moments

The meaning behind bra sizes:

A-Almost boobs
B-Barely there
C-Can't complain
DD-Double dang
G - Get a reduction
H-Help, I'm falling

Okay, it was a few months ago and i was in Penney's (is that spelled right???) buying something and i look down at the counter and there is a sign printed out talking about how if you need a special bra size, then Penney's can help. something about how they can get anything from a 30 AA to a 56H. i know my eyes must have just about popped out of my head when i read that. i was horrified. i was like, is this a joke? surely this is a joke. then i was confused. then i felt extreme sympathy.

This weekend jen and i saw a t-shirt that said:

I am NOT anti-social
you dumb piece of crap!

yeah, that was me - laughing out loud in the t-shirt shop

1 comment:

  1. Hey chica! I'll have to share that list with Stacey... she'll be entertained as well. Hope I see you soon!
