Wednesday, September 18, 2013

for you, lee

here's some pics of baby cora, baby 3, cora cora, sweetheart.

she is six months old now and i'm pretty sure she's just started the awful part of teething - night screaming - every 30-45 minutes for a few hours.  i could live without that.  but, i couldn't live without her! smiley face.  lights up when she sees a person - any person.

 just smilin'

 always on my tummy

 with the fam

 with my sibs

 they want to be like me
i want to be like them

 i wanna take a bite out of you!

 hey, look.  it's lee and baby lee.

 with my sis.  she drinks a lot.  no worries, it's just juice.  well, it's mostly water, but don't tell her that.

where did all my hair go?  
whatever, i'm still a beauty.

Monday, September 16, 2013

today's top 5

1.  will came home with his frog - which means he had a good day at school.

2.  everyone slept through the night, including me

3.  we had special company for dinner!

4.  will started on his homework right when he walked in the door from school and finished all 5 worksheets - his homework for the week!  his idea.  wow - we've come a long way in a few weeks.

5.  i made it to the grocery store with the girls and it was pleasant

a prayer for my family of little ones:

God, give us the sleep that we need and the grace that we need each day to live with each other in peace.

"Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith..." Hebrews 12:2

Apart from you, i can do nothing.  John 15:5

Through you, i can do all things.   Philippians 4:13

Thursday, September 12, 2013

if you want to learn patience, use a VCR

if you want to learn patience, use a VCR.

if you want to feel clean, go a couple of days in the summer without a shower, then take one.

if you want to simplify your life and finally get organized, have 3 kids under the age of 5 and a husband who travels for work.  it may take a few months - like, close to a year - but you'll get there.  i'm getting there.

oh, and if you need to feel some serious happiness, find a fat baby with a gummy grin.  oh, it'll work every time.

"if your mind isn't clouded by unnecessary things, this is the best season of your life"
a quote from the book Organized Simplicity by Tsh Oxenreider