will at 3.75
Easter weekend on the Hooch - daddy took him to an Easter egg hunt at a park near the river. i was surprised that he wanted to get in. it was cold, and i would not consider him a water baby/boy. he still hates getting water in his face (washing his hair). but he was all about getting in the river! i love it! rivers are my favorite bodies of water and i'm so glad he likes them too.
will is doing better with brushing his own teeth and getting dressed by himself. this is very exciting to me! he still struggles with putting on socks. he is doing better with zipping, but we need to work on buttoning and snapping. if it were up to him, he would wear "soft pants" everyday - pajama pants or shorts or pants with just an elastic waist.
he is doing better with obedience.
he does well with an 8:30 bedtime.
he is always hungry! but he's happy to eat the good stuff as long as i have it available for him.
he loves preschool - at this point i wish he were going 4 mornings a week instead of 2.
sometimes the "why" questions are too much! "mommy, why is this a hill?"
some of his favorite movies are 101 dalmations (the doggie video) and the jungle book (he used to call this one "the video with the girl in underwear"). he does love cars and finding nemo but i think at this age he's able to follow the older, less stimulating disney movies.
he was still requesting the same songs before bed a couple weeks ago and they were all Christmas songs. away in a manger, the cattle are lowing, and hark the herald angels sing. when Easter was coming up i tried to introduce an Easter song to him. i sang "because he lives" a few times and now sing "amazing grace" after "away in a manger" of course.
there are so many good songs that aren't Christmas carols that i could be singing to him.
today, we told will we would go to church. lee said we would meet God there. will said, "is God there?" i said, "God is everywhere." "i will be looking for him," he said.