i'm sorry if some of you get tired of reading about will, but this is the best and easiest way for me to document milestones. i'm hoping i can print out my blog one day.
so on wednesday will turned 21 months old! he is such a fun little boy. there are still things that make him a baby - like diapers and not saying words clearly and sucking the tags on his blankeys. i'll be happy when the diapers go away, but the other stuff is so cute. oh, and he still has his chubby baby cheeks and legs. :0)
he is talking more and more, but i think only a few people can understand him. here are some new words.
anga - grandma
opa - papa
gog - dog (sometimes he says this word clearly)
hide - outside, slide
bubbers - bubbles
he loves slides, bubbles, running laps in the backyard and on our driveway, running down hills, books, puzzles, kissing stuffed animals, and wrestling on the bed. he loves pretending to give lee and i and also his stuffed animals food and drink from his kitchen. he's very interested in anything i'm doing - washing dishes, ironing, laundry, sweeping, and even vacuuming (he even laughed at the vacuum yesterday.)
sometimes he hears the dogs in our neighborhood and says, "gog" and then kisses the air. he also kisses the air when he sees the baby einstein caterpillar on tv.
he tries to pull the hairs off of lee's arm (lee says it doesn't hurt) as if he is cleaning off lee's arm.
he's been interested in the potty for awhile now. he says oo oo for poo poo and ee ee for pee pee. sorry, tmi! he loves to tear toilet paper off for me and then flush the toilet. he understands not to flush if it's just water, so he will tear off a piece of toilet paper and put it in the toilet just so he can flush.
i want to potty train, but then i don't want to potty train. i think he'll be ready soon. i know that's gonna be a big job on mommy having to ask him about the potty every hour. it's nice to not have to worry about that right now.
he eats just about anything. he's like a little garbage disposal. he encourages us to eat our fruits and veggies. the only thing he doesn't really like is white potatoes - mashed, baked, fried - does not like them.
i love that he is very independent. he plays by himself very well. the only thing i don't like about him being independent is he is a wanderer. he would wander 5 miles away from the house if i let him go. he does hold my hand in parking lots and we go on short walks together, but if he wants to go a certain direction or isn't ready to leave a certain place he lets me know - sometimes this is not pretty.
yesterday, will saw the pollen falling from the trees and got really excited and said, "Bubbers!"
that's will!