his first "real" haircut. so emotional!!! how dare I make him keep his head still for even one second? this is how teeth brushing goes most of the time, too. oh, and nail clipping.
testing the limits. he is not to go in the cul-de-sac. however, last week i finally broke down and let him play in the cul-de-sac while i was with him. he would wander 5 miles away if i let him. i always laughed at the moms who would put their child on a leash in the mall. i'm not laughing anymore. he has at least started holding our hands, but i think i'm still gonna get one of those backpack stuffed animal leash things.
my precious boy - like his camou pants and lightning mcqueen shoes? styling. hand me downs - what a blessing!
from toddlerwise, the book i'm currently reading - "the emotional and physical energy needed to supervise an energy-packed tot can take down the most physically fit mom. if your toddler happens to be a boy, add fifty percent more energy. never so beautiful does this child look to his weary mom as he does when he closes his eyes in sleep."