Monday, August 31, 2009

Delight in the LORD

My Dear Sister

God has not overlooked you
He has not ignored you
He hears every petition
And intimately knows
The heart beneath it.
Give Him full access
To all your longings
Pray every single day
To become a person who delights in Him.
When it seems to disappear
Remember to check your JAW
Are you jealous?
Are you angry?
Are you worried?
Roll it all on Jesus
He's strong enough to carry it
Big enough to handle it.
Trust God with all your heart
Now leave this place
And go into the world
And do some GOOD.

Saturday's commissioning
inspired by psalm 37:1-9
beth moore and living proof ministries

Thursday, August 27, 2009

i'm a broken record

things i say everyday - repeatedly

- that's a ______ (fill in the blank)
- put it back please
- be careful, that's dangerous
- get down
- don't touch!
- what do you have in your mouth?
- don't bite
- don't play with the oven
- be gentle!
- out of your mouth, please! (this usually refers to electrical wires)
- that stays there
- come back
- stop, please
- no, sir!!!

and of course there's a lot of just plain - No!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

There's Power in the Blood

Our church had a baptismal service this past Sunday. There were 3 children and 4 adults who were baptized. They gave testimonies about the power of Jesus in their lives and declared publicly that they want to live for him. It's days like this one when God encourages me and reminds me that he is at work and still in the business of changing lives if people will believe he is who he says he is. He is Almighty God - nothing is impossible for him.

Friday, August 21, 2009

the boy loves shoes!

this is will in one of his favorite places - outside of my closet, pulling out shoes.

he loves this navy heel in particular. hmmm

"i need to carry it all over the house"

"wait, maybe daddy will wear it"

he loves giving us our shoes to wear. and other people's shoes to wear.

patty cake

i know i'm biased, but this is the cutest thing ever! mom taught him how to patty cake a few weeks ago. whenever people clap on the tv, he smiles and joins in. too cute

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

will at 13 months

he's climbing things other than stairs now. monday he climbed up on his music table and then on his rocking chair. the toddler years have begun!

this is his excited face.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

unbelievably cool

okay, so this is my younger brother and mom parasailing in panama city. if you know my mom, you will not believe what you are seeing in this video. she barely gets in the pool and here she is hundreds of feet in the air above the ocean! they said it was quite peaceful.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Sunday, August 09, 2009

beach pics continued

here's the whole group. this is my family and all of the significant others and children.

this is one of my favorite pictures. my sister in law took it i believe. check out the spiky hair.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

will at the beach

he liked the water.

he hated the sand.

the view from our condo - gorgeous

will reflects on life - "hmm, i think i might walk tonight". this was on tuesday and he did take his first run of multiple steps that night. yep, he's officially walking!