You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands. Isaiah 55:12
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Nathan, Jr.
last night i had a dream that i gave birth to another son. i was so confused. i was trying to do the math thinking, but will is only 9 months and 3 weeks old! how did this happen?
he looked just like will. we named him nathan.
on sunday, lee and i watched Raising Arizona, and the baby's name in that movie is nathan, jr. i also just met a neighbor yesterday and her husband's name is nathan. hahaha. so funny how your brain puts together dreams.
i just can't imagine having two babies 9 months and 3 weeks apart!!! i guess it's possible.
he looked just like will. we named him nathan.
on sunday, lee and i watched Raising Arizona, and the baby's name in that movie is nathan, jr. i also just met a neighbor yesterday and her husband's name is nathan. hahaha. so funny how your brain puts together dreams.
i just can't imagine having two babies 9 months and 3 weeks apart!!! i guess it's possible.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
braided bread
i made bread this week - YUM! my mom got this recipe from a friend and taught me how to do it. we grew up eating this homemade bread on special occasions. i used to help punch the dough once it had risen and i would braid the bread for mom. when i got married i started making it on my own. love it - this recipe does not use a bread machine. just a big spoon and some muscle.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
confessions of a mommy - part I
i know i post a lot of smiley will and smiley mommy pictures on this blog, and we do smile a lot, but i want to be real about the other side of motherhood. dun dun dun.
one thing i hate about motherhood - i can't sleep whenever i want to.
this is so huge for me. even though will is sleeping through the night and takes two naps a day, i still struggle with this. it never fails, if i am really sleepy one afternoon, i will lie down right after i put him down for his nap - that will be the day it takes him 20 minutes to go to sleep. can you tell i'm a little bitter? i love my sleep!!!
he is one of those babies who hates to sleep. we went through some major sleep training at four months old (i realize we probably waited too late, but that's water under the bridge now). and now at nine months old, it is VERY rare that i put him down and he does not cry at least a little bit.
anyway, all that to say - being a mom, i can no longer sleep like i used to. i'm subconsciously listening for him, and when i do occasionally hear him cry in the night or early morning, i cringe.
motherhood makes you realize how selfish you are.
one thing i hate about motherhood - i can't sleep whenever i want to.
this is so huge for me. even though will is sleeping through the night and takes two naps a day, i still struggle with this. it never fails, if i am really sleepy one afternoon, i will lie down right after i put him down for his nap - that will be the day it takes him 20 minutes to go to sleep. can you tell i'm a little bitter? i love my sleep!!!
he is one of those babies who hates to sleep. we went through some major sleep training at four months old (i realize we probably waited too late, but that's water under the bridge now). and now at nine months old, it is VERY rare that i put him down and he does not cry at least a little bit.
anyway, all that to say - being a mom, i can no longer sleep like i used to. i'm subconsciously listening for him, and when i do occasionally hear him cry in the night or early morning, i cringe.
motherhood makes you realize how selfish you are.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Oswald keepin things real
"When God speaks, many of us are like people in a fog, and we give no answer...
Be ready for the sudden surprise visits of God. A ready person never needs to get ready - he is ready. Think of the time we waste trying to get ready once God has called!"
Oswald Chambers - my utmost for his highest
Be ready for the sudden surprise visits of God. A ready person never needs to get ready - he is ready. Think of the time we waste trying to get ready once God has called!"
Oswald Chambers - my utmost for his highest
Friday, April 17, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
last weekend was great, but we did have a few unpleasant events.
lee and i wanted to go out on a lunch date to my favorite mexican restaurant - Sabroso! this place has the BEST salsa of any mexican restaurant i've been to. and i've been to quite a few in the upstate and around atlanta. they also have great refried beans! woodruff road - sabroso - go there.
so, we begin the drive to the restaurant and right as we get out of my parent's driveway, lee notices that the breaks are out! so we turn around and make it back to the house, spilling break fluid everywhere. we did get to go out to lunch by taking my mom's car, but lee spent most of the rest of the weekend fixing the car so we could drive back to atlanta on sunday.
while driving back to atlanta - we witness a car fire on 85. lee says he saw the actual explosion. the car fire is in the right lane and we pass it as flames are blowing towards our car. i think all people were out of the car. i know i can be dramatic sometimes, but this was scary for the second it took me to pass. lee says he couldn't, but i could feel the heat.
easter weekend wasn't all smiles and happiness, but that's life. now i'm craving some sabroso salsa.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
this video was taken on will's nine month birthday. isn't he cute scooting the cheerios around? i just recently thought to let him practice picking them up. as you can see, he doesn't quite have his "pincer grasp" yet. i am happy to report that earlier this week he did pick one up himself and put it in his mouth! this is the first time he has ever fed himself - i'm so proud - :0)
Monday, April 13, 2009
Easter 2009
but, as you can see, most of Easter weekend, the weather was absolutely gorgeous, and we even had a happy boy most of the time!
Thursday, April 09, 2009
get ready for lots of pics!
i was going to throw it away and then i thought, no, i'll at least try and sell it on craigslist. a very kind soul saw my posting and sent me an email saying that canon should repair it. YES! thank you, thank you!
get ready for lots of pics! here's one of will today. he loves his blue dog.
the will update - 9 months
on tuesday, will turned 9 months old! unfortunately i don't have any pictures, but i do have a video i will upload later. (we saw snowflakes on tuesday - crazy! and today it's supposed to be 70 degrees!)
i took will to the doctor today for his checkup and he now weighs 21 1/2 lbs. he is fairly tall at 29 3/4". he has a big head - 18 1/4".
just to give you an idea this is what he was at 6 months:
he weighs 19 lbs. 14 oz. (82%) (he was 93% at 4 months)
he is 27 inches tall (64%)
head circumference is 17.25 (47%)
he pretty much switched percentiles on the height and weight. pretty soon, he won't be my chunky monkey anymore - sadness!
he is working on his fourth tooth! he has his front two bottom teeth and is working on his dracula teeth up top.
i took will to the doctor today for his checkup and he now weighs 21 1/2 lbs. he is fairly tall at 29 3/4". he has a big head - 18 1/4".
just to give you an idea this is what he was at 6 months:
he weighs 19 lbs. 14 oz. (82%) (he was 93% at 4 months)
he is 27 inches tall (64%)
head circumference is 17.25 (47%)
he pretty much switched percentiles on the height and weight. pretty soon, he won't be my chunky monkey anymore - sadness!
he is working on his fourth tooth! he has his front two bottom teeth and is working on his dracula teeth up top.
Sunday, April 05, 2009
Friday, April 03, 2009
tiniest of baby booms
when i was pregnant with will i kept noticing so many pregnant people! and so many magazine headlines talked about all these celebrities having babies. it seemed to be the cool thing to do - have a baby!
i remember telling my mom one day - it seems like everyone is having a baby right now! she said i was just extra sensitive to it because i was about to have one myself.
but, check this out. i just read this in World magazine.
"It's the tiniest of baby booms. This is not an earthquake; it's a slight tremor."
"Fertility researcher S. Philip Morgan of Duke University on the record number of births in the United States during 2007. There were more than 4.3 million births, 40 percent of which were out of wedlock."
i wonder what 2009's stats will be. with the economy not looking so stable, i wonder how people will react. will they think a having a child will fill a void in their lives and help things? will they take birth control more seriously? will they even be able to set aside money for birth control? will they abstain? will they give the marriage relationship a chance?
what do you think?
i remember telling my mom one day - it seems like everyone is having a baby right now! she said i was just extra sensitive to it because i was about to have one myself.
but, check this out. i just read this in World magazine.
"It's the tiniest of baby booms. This is not an earthquake; it's a slight tremor."
"Fertility researcher S. Philip Morgan of Duke University on the record number of births in the United States during 2007. There were more than 4.3 million births, 40 percent of which were out of wedlock."
i wonder what 2009's stats will be. with the economy not looking so stable, i wonder how people will react. will they think a having a child will fill a void in their lives and help things? will they take birth control more seriously? will they even be able to set aside money for birth control? will they abstain? will they give the marriage relationship a chance?
what do you think?
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