It's a cold, bleak, wintry day here in Duluth, Georgia. I thank the Lord for a warm house, good food, an awesome husband, a great job, every breath that He gives me, and for the moments in life that really suck - The Lord is good - the world is not. Thank you God, for the blessings that you do give, thank you most of all for the hope that you give in Jesus Christ because He has overcome the world and offers everyone a chance to be clean before You so that we can have abundant life eternally, so that we can talk to You, God Almighty, the Everlasting God - and You hear us and answer according to your perfect will. I praise you because you are a big God - loving, patient, and just at the same time. Your ways are higher than our ways - your thoughts higher than our thoughts. Thank you for the peace that you give, that transcends all understanding, when I allow your Spirit to be in control and I seek you and trust you. Praise the Lord - the King who is coming again!
The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned. You have enlarged the nation and increased their joy; they rejoice before you as people rejoice at the harvest, as men rejoice when dividing the plunder. For as in the day of Midian's defeat, you have shattered the yoke that burdens them, the bar across their shoulders, the rod of their oppressor. Every warrior's boot used in battle and every garment rolled in blood will be destined for burning, will be fuel for the fire. For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David's throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the LORD Almighty will accomplish this. isaiah 9:2-7
"In the desert prepare the way for the LORD; make straight in the wilderness a highway for our God. Every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low; the rough ground shall become level, the rugged places a plain. And the glory of the LORD will be revealed, and all mankind together will see it. For the mouth of the LORD has spoken." isaiah 40:3-5
For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. Matthew 24:27
You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands. Isaiah 55:12
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Thursday, November 08, 2007
mini vacation to Savannah
Friday, October 19, 2007
ode to rice cakes
going through some memories this afternoon - ran across this poem sent to me in the mail when i was away for a summer at governor's school. i miss you leigh!!
fun to eat,
though many people hate you,
you're still my tasty late night treat.
they come in a can,
or you buy them in a pack.
they're full of wholesome goodness.
they are a perfect snack.
they come in many flavors.
chocolate, white cheddar, caramel, and monterey jack.
i eat you for breakfast.
i eat you at noon.
i eat you in the evening...
underneath the moon.
this is my ode to rice cakes.
rice cakes, i love you
original poem by kathryn lyons 1997
hahahaha! isn't that great??? makes me wanna go buy a pack of quaker caramel corn.
fun to eat,
though many people hate you,
you're still my tasty late night treat.
they come in a can,
or you buy them in a pack.
they're full of wholesome goodness.
they are a perfect snack.
they come in many flavors.
chocolate, white cheddar, caramel, and monterey jack.
i eat you for breakfast.
i eat you at noon.
i eat you in the evening...
underneath the moon.
this is my ode to rice cakes.
rice cakes, i love you
original poem by kathryn lyons 1997
hahahaha! isn't that great??? makes me wanna go buy a pack of quaker caramel corn.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
shooting star
Last Monday night, I was driving home from BSF - thinking about the importance of getting to know God better. I was on PIB going north near the publix in duluth and I saw a shooting star directly ahead of me. I've never seen a shooting star before.
Tuesday morning breakfast -
When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?
psalm 8:3
Tuesday morning breakfast -
When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?
psalm 8:3
Saturday, September 15, 2007
this is what's up
lee is very happy right now. he is at a GT game with two friends. i'm really glad i'm not there (he knows this).
i stayed in bed until 1 today. maybe it was 12:45. although i did get up at 7 and make biscuits and fried some turkey bacon for lee before he went to work for a little bit. sleep is really great!!!
i made my first pound cake tonight. it's just a basic cream cheese pound cake - turned out pretty good.
the weather is starting to feel like fall, and it makes me really excited. it kind of reminds me of being in band in high school and being at football games (and never watching the game), and also of walking across campus at Winthrop - weird, it's not like I was only there in the fall. but this is what i'm reminded of.
i'm going to start teaching ESL in a few weeks. that will be a new adventure that i'm really looking forward to and scared about at the same time. it's really interesting how you teach it. i've never been more excited about any other ministry.
it's so nice to be at home for a weekend - i'm really a homebody and we've been traveling a lot lately.
we bought a grill today. merry early christmas, lee. i'm excited though, cuz this means he'll do some of the cooking now - yay!
i stayed in bed until 1 today. maybe it was 12:45. although i did get up at 7 and make biscuits and fried some turkey bacon for lee before he went to work for a little bit. sleep is really great!!!
i made my first pound cake tonight. it's just a basic cream cheese pound cake - turned out pretty good.
the weather is starting to feel like fall, and it makes me really excited. it kind of reminds me of being in band in high school and being at football games (and never watching the game), and also of walking across campus at Winthrop - weird, it's not like I was only there in the fall. but this is what i'm reminded of.
i'm going to start teaching ESL in a few weeks. that will be a new adventure that i'm really looking forward to and scared about at the same time. it's really interesting how you teach it. i've never been more excited about any other ministry.
it's so nice to be at home for a weekend - i'm really a homebody and we've been traveling a lot lately.
we bought a grill today. merry early christmas, lee. i'm excited though, cuz this means he'll do some of the cooking now - yay!
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
I was just reminded that my personality type fits less than 1% of the world's population supposedly. So no wonder I feel so out of place and weird most of the time - I am!
According to this particular test I should be a teacher, writer, and psychotherapist or something. I am going to have my first private art student next tuesday. That is going to be really cool!
Lately I've been regretting my choice of college degree. I hate interior design - it's either too technical for my liking, wasteful, or retarded. Okay, maybe I don't hate it, but I really don't like it. You wanna know what color to paint your bedroom - whatever the heck color you like, people! Look through a magazine - find a bedroom with a paint color that you like and take it to benjamin moore and have them match it.
I'm kicking myself. I wish I had majored in painting and illustration - or maybe graphic design. Or at least English Lit or Religion - stuff I like. I probably would have hated the critical writing part, but it still would have been cool.
But, I didn't - I majored in what I majored in. There's nothing I can do now. I can't go back and change it.
I was introduced to the scrapbooking world over the weekend. I think I might have a new obsession. It's art using paper, junk, glue, photos, poetry, and memories!!!
According to this particular test I should be a teacher, writer, and psychotherapist or something. I am going to have my first private art student next tuesday. That is going to be really cool!
Lately I've been regretting my choice of college degree. I hate interior design - it's either too technical for my liking, wasteful, or retarded. Okay, maybe I don't hate it, but I really don't like it. You wanna know what color to paint your bedroom - whatever the heck color you like, people! Look through a magazine - find a bedroom with a paint color that you like and take it to benjamin moore and have them match it.
I'm kicking myself. I wish I had majored in painting and illustration - or maybe graphic design. Or at least English Lit or Religion - stuff I like. I probably would have hated the critical writing part, but it still would have been cool.
But, I didn't - I majored in what I majored in. There's nothing I can do now. I can't go back and change it.
I was introduced to the scrapbooking world over the weekend. I think I might have a new obsession. It's art using paper, junk, glue, photos, poetry, and memories!!!
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Fine Arts Camp
Teacher's picks
Monday, June 18, 2007
Dance Lessons
Lee and I are taking dance lessons. We've learned the basics for salsa and swing so far. It is SO much fun! I've only had one minor injury.
On Friday night, Georgia Tech, had their monthly swing night. A one hour lesson and then three hours of dancing. $10 a person. Very cool! It's so much fun to watch people who really know what they're doing - and they're young too! Most of the people there were 30 and younger. I wish it was like the olden days when everyone knew how to dance - or at least it seems it was that way in movies.
I thought DDR was fun, but it doesn't quite compare to dancing with another person. Ha ha. However, I have to get over my temptation to want to lead. Two leaders doesn't quite work.
On Friday night, Georgia Tech, had their monthly swing night. A one hour lesson and then three hours of dancing. $10 a person. Very cool! It's so much fun to watch people who really know what they're doing - and they're young too! Most of the people there were 30 and younger. I wish it was like the olden days when everyone knew how to dance - or at least it seems it was that way in movies.
I thought DDR was fun, but it doesn't quite compare to dancing with another person. Ha ha. However, I have to get over my temptation to want to lead. Two leaders doesn't quite work.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
i pledge allegiance
right before i woke up this morning i had a dream - it was like i was one of the actresses in a horror movie and we would keep repeating this one scene and it would change slightly every time, except when you're an actress you know the story at least and in this case, i had no idea.
anyway, the dream i had before that one was this: i was in a school classroom - probably elementary. we were saying the pledge of allegiance. the words of the pledge were written and i think they were up on the wall from an overhead projector. we got to the line "under God, indivisible" and the text wasn't there - it was as if someone had just come and erased that line because you could tell something used to be there, but wasn't anymore. i said it anyway. i was the only one. after i said it i couldn't remember the rest of the pledge to continue even though i guess it was written on the overhead. but, it was kind of a blur because i was taken outside of the classroom and i remember i was in a lot of trouble because i had said "under God, indivisible"
anyway, the dream i had before that one was this: i was in a school classroom - probably elementary. we were saying the pledge of allegiance. the words of the pledge were written and i think they were up on the wall from an overhead projector. we got to the line "under God, indivisible" and the text wasn't there - it was as if someone had just come and erased that line because you could tell something used to be there, but wasn't anymore. i said it anyway. i was the only one. after i said it i couldn't remember the rest of the pledge to continue even though i guess it was written on the overhead. but, it was kind of a blur because i was taken outside of the classroom and i remember i was in a lot of trouble because i had said "under God, indivisible"
Monday, June 11, 2007
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Friday, May 11, 2007
I'm back!
So since my last post I have been painting practically the whole house (interior) before we moved in on March 31 - thanks to some friends for help ( robin, jonathan, mr. cox - and lee, of course). Then it was the getting settled part - does it ever end? My parents were able to come down for a few days and helped us a lot.
I like to have a clean and organized house - I guess everybody does - but, I'm learning to let a few things go for awhile. Plumbing issues definitely put a kink into the whole getting settled thing. And whoah, is it expensive. Savings came in handy then!
Also, for the whole month of April, we did not have internet. I was trying to see how long I could go. Because the library is maybe a mile away. We walked there one night. But, after about 2 or 3 weeks, I broke down and decided I wanted internet starting in may. We're still doing okay without cable. Although, our antennae won't pick up - is it abc? and not cbs very well either. so no more oprah or the view or ugly betty. I miss it rarely and less and less with every day. I'm such a tv addict, so it's so much better that we don't have cable. I already waste too much time as it is. So, what stations are left, you ask? nbc - i still get to watch martha stewart (every now and again), fox, tbs, GPB, and a Hispanic station. GPB has this great show on sunday nights about nature. one time they had a hippo fight - wow that was cool!
lee and i saw a coyote cross in front of our car in our neighborhood a few nights ago. at first we thought was a dog, then lee said it was a gray fox. but we really think its a coyote because we've been hearing in the news about how the coyote population in norcross has increased 3000 % in the past few years or something like that. maybe that's a little exaggerated but still!
I've been married 11 months!
I know at this point, many of my friends are already married, but there are a good many who aren't. If you're thinking about getting engaged soon, consider pre-engagement counseling and of course if you are already engaged, get some quality pre-marital counseling. Know where you stand on family, religion, money, how you'll raise your kids, how you communicate - gosh there's so much more. Know what you would expect of your mate if you were to get married. I have a questionnaire I can send to you if you are interested. If you are engaged, go ahead and set a budget Before you get married. Know what you can and can't afford and how to manage the money that you do have. Check out and check out the budget guide under the tools tab. (sorry, i can't get the link to work). I'm so glad Lee and I did this in the beginning - it's helped us a lot.
Whoever still reads this - love to you!
I like to have a clean and organized house - I guess everybody does - but, I'm learning to let a few things go for awhile. Plumbing issues definitely put a kink into the whole getting settled thing. And whoah, is it expensive. Savings came in handy then!
Also, for the whole month of April, we did not have internet. I was trying to see how long I could go. Because the library is maybe a mile away. We walked there one night. But, after about 2 or 3 weeks, I broke down and decided I wanted internet starting in may. We're still doing okay without cable. Although, our antennae won't pick up - is it abc? and not cbs very well either. so no more oprah or the view or ugly betty. I miss it rarely and less and less with every day. I'm such a tv addict, so it's so much better that we don't have cable. I already waste too much time as it is. So, what stations are left, you ask? nbc - i still get to watch martha stewart (every now and again), fox, tbs, GPB, and a Hispanic station. GPB has this great show on sunday nights about nature. one time they had a hippo fight - wow that was cool!
lee and i saw a coyote cross in front of our car in our neighborhood a few nights ago. at first we thought was a dog, then lee said it was a gray fox. but we really think its a coyote because we've been hearing in the news about how the coyote population in norcross has increased 3000 % in the past few years or something like that. maybe that's a little exaggerated but still!
I've been married 11 months!
I know at this point, many of my friends are already married, but there are a good many who aren't. If you're thinking about getting engaged soon, consider pre-engagement counseling and of course if you are already engaged, get some quality pre-marital counseling. Know where you stand on family, religion, money, how you'll raise your kids, how you communicate - gosh there's so much more. Know what you would expect of your mate if you were to get married. I have a questionnaire I can send to you if you are interested. If you are engaged, go ahead and set a budget Before you get married. Know what you can and can't afford and how to manage the money that you do have. Check out and check out the budget guide under the tools tab. (sorry, i can't get the link to work). I'm so glad Lee and I did this in the beginning - it's helped us a lot.
Whoever still reads this - love to you!
Monday, March 12, 2007
A funny pic
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
a big announcement!
no, i am not pregnant.
but, lee and i are brand-new home-owners as of a few hours ago! we will begin the minor repairs that need to be done and the painting soon, and we plan to be moved march 31 (for the most part). here's the new addy:
3900 bryn mawr court
duluth, ga 30096
so i go back to having a weird address that i'll have to spell out for everybody like the one i had most of my life in greer.
we are both very excited about this new adventure. i get to pick out paint colors for a whole house - and colors that I really like. Lee just asks for veto power. that works for me. the house is in a great location and has tons of positives. i will really miss this apartment, but we will still have it until the end of april so i plan on taking full advantage of the pool until that date.
but, lee and i are brand-new home-owners as of a few hours ago! we will begin the minor repairs that need to be done and the painting soon, and we plan to be moved march 31 (for the most part). here's the new addy:
3900 bryn mawr court
duluth, ga 30096
so i go back to having a weird address that i'll have to spell out for everybody like the one i had most of my life in greer.
we are both very excited about this new adventure. i get to pick out paint colors for a whole house - and colors that I really like. Lee just asks for veto power. that works for me. the house is in a great location and has tons of positives. i will really miss this apartment, but we will still have it until the end of april so i plan on taking full advantage of the pool until that date.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
I just started crying while watching a commercial (don't even know what it's for) about a little boy making a valentine's cake with his mom. she thought he was going to give it to a special girl at school. but, he gave it to her!!! how sweet!
Friday, January 05, 2007
waffles and spaghetti
Did you know that "men are like waffles, women are like spaghetti?"
check out this podcast.
it talks about how men have boxes for everything in their life while women connect everything in their life.
check out this podcast.
it talks about how men have boxes for everything in their life while women connect everything in their life.
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