Thursday, October 19, 2006

a posty post

i had my first art show this past weekend. it was pretty cool. i have to say, i think my booth looked really nice thanks to my husband, a few of his coworkers, and my in-laws. unfortunately, i had no sales. but, it was the wrong show for my work. i'm learning that.
i'm very excited about my paintings though. paul and i have even talked about making it easier to sell my work online come the first of the year. you know about the "painting a day" bloggers? some of them have some really nice work. i might be "a painting a week" blogger.
anyway, for those of you who don't know - check out my website

here is a quick run down of what's going on with me right now. lee is in bed and not feeling well so i'm trying to give him some peace and quiet. saturday is our one year proposal anniversary. i have a lot of laundry to fold. i have raw chicken in the refrigerator that i'm not sure is safe to eat. i'm still working at namb three days a week. hooray for part time jobs!!! okay, i'm making the list short for now.