today i was organizing my studio in one of my distracted fits of mood and i flipped through an old sketchbook and found this - i wrote this in november or december of 2000. this was a stage in my life when i was probably the most stressed out i've ever been for a period of about (7 weeks?) - not quite 2 months. it was the kind of stressed out when you feel like someone's got a good grip on your stomach and won't let go. it was the end of my first college semester and yes, my artwork was sucking and eating up my days - and my drive to succeed was controlling me. (by the way, that's not really a good thing). and also, this wasn't the fun and frustrating but therapeutic (sp?) artwork - this was foundations assignments dry technical "artwork". anyway, having said all of that this is the poem - i think it is quite good
"i miss reading
ridiculously long amounts of time
when there's nothing else
i could be doing
i miss clean carpet"
oh yeah - i'm marrying the most wonderful, most caring, most huggable with the cutest beard man on june 10, 2006!!!