i love my old oscar schmidt - did i spell that right - it is a good friend. its one of the things that keeps me sane. just like my easel and just like blogger.
chestnut ridge youth group - you guys rock! remember to be salty and to be light (matt. 5:13-16)
i had a pretty busy weekend. helped with a lay renewal retreat in laurens. lay renewal retreat = revival led by lay people. what it really means is - you better be ready for anything. you have no idea what to expect except that the Holy Spirit will move. it was cool.
then yesterday afternoon i washed my car - that was a desperate situation.
right now i'm at my old primary school. i'm gonna sub for my old music teacher this afternoon. 1st graders. this should be fun. they don't have to sit on those awful risers anymore. now they have these colorful hard plastic bleacher type things. they still have gold bears. they don't give piddly points anymore - you just get your name written on a blue slip.
i'm considering getting certified to teach art at public school. i think it might be fun. i just have to go back to school for a little bit in order to be certified - i don't know if i'm quite ready for that yet. i've been free for a little over a year. i will have to know for sure that that's what i really want for me to willingly go back to school.
'what did the bald man say when someone gave him a comb?
i'll never part with it.'
i'm going to the state line to meet my boyfriend tonight. its been almost seven days since i've seen him. and i'm still breathing and functioning - wow! okay, i could get really sappy here fast, but i'll spare you. i am excited to see you though, lee. but you know that already.
i've been reminded recently of an old dream of mine - to be an author and illustrator of children's literature. really, just to be an illustrator would be the bomb. yes, the bomb.